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Displaying 391 to 400 of 405 web sites found. Revelations Church Management Software - 33% Download full working demo or purchase over the internet. URL: Category: Software > Software Companies
ChurchPro Church Management Software - 33% Church Management Software program for Windows 95/98. You can do payroll, fund accounting, track attendance, membership and contributions URL: Category: Software > Software Companies
Church Windows - 33% Microsoft Windows based church management software. URL: Category: Software > Software Companies
PowerChurch Software - 33% Church Management Software for maintaining membership, accounting, and contribution information. URL: Category: Software > Software Companies
Full Gospel Family Publications - 33% Adult and children's character building resources for church Christian education classes, and the home. Bible studies, intercessory prayer and new believer discipleship materials, family devotions. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Sunday School Resources
House Church Central - 33% Resources for (non-denominational) Christian house churches, including theology, recommended books, electronic publications. "House church" includes Bible studies, cells, and small groups. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Theology
Church website design guide - - 33% Church123. com provide a free resource to all churches. Our extensive hints and tips pages help all churches plan effective websites. We also provide the easiest and most comprehensive package enabling a church to run an easy-to-update website with no tec URL: Category: Internet Resources > Web Design Resources
Affluence Publishing - 33% Christian publisher specializing in godly literature and innovative graphic & web design. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Web Design Resources
XTREME Electronics - 33% We are an Internet consulting company dedicated in training and helping churches, ministries, organizations, and businesses get a place on the web so that they can have an impact on the world. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Web Design Resources
Church Women United - Official Home Page - 33% Church Women United, a grassroots ecumenical movement, is a welcome table where Christian women pray, study and act together to create a safe and just world. URL: Category: Family/Individual > Womens' Ministries
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Displaying 391 to 400 of 405 web sites found. |