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Displaying 171 to 180 of 248 web sites found. Sonshine Ministries Web Page - 50% A different kind of ministry for an ever-changing world. Offers an online newsletter with a bible study,a Scripture of hope, and a news and views section. Through Sonshine Press we offer ABSOLUTELY FREE to everyone who requests booklets to help you study URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
Waitara Adventist Church Online - 50% This is the home page of Waitara Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Sydney, Australia. The web site also contains Bible study resources, information on healthy lifestyle and Christian living. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
Occupytillicome - 100% On this family friendly site you will find: Bible Studies, Bible Series, Devotional and Inspirational, Poetry, Stories, Guest Authors, Pets, and more. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Bible Quotes - 50% Free beautiful images with Bible verses to enjoy and share. Get a new verse on every visit or choose your own. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Bookmarkers, Making Bookmarks, Bible Bookmarks, We - 50% Printable bookmarkers on your own PC from Bookmarks Galore. Making Bible bookmarks, wedding bookmarks, personalized bookmarks is now easy and inexpensive with Bookmarks Galore bookmark making software and supplies. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
Through the Bible with Les Feldick - 50% Les Feldick teaches a non-denominational "Through the Bible" program in such a way that the common person can understand it. He has had a nationwide TV ministry for 7 years and is soon to be. URL: Category: Books > Book Publishers
Emmaus Bible College - Dubuque, Iowa - 50% Emmaus Bible College exists to teach and disseminate the Word of God. This ministry is designed to glorify God by preparing and equipping leaders and workers in the churches. URL: Category: Education > Colleges/Universities
WORD4LIFE - 50% Christian portal offering content on Jesus Christ, prophecy, salvation, testimonies, and prayer needs. Links to Christian books, Bibles, radio, and online sermons. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Godfidence - 50% This site is devoted to helping believers know who they are in Christ as a child of God. Offers links, articles, and a forum to discuss the Bible as we read it cover to cover. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Youth Ministries
Bibles for the World - 50% We are dedicated to getting the Bible, God's Word, into the hands of as many people as possible and thereby seeing changed lives for eternity. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
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Displaying 171 to 180 of 248 web sites found. |