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Displaying 51 to 60 of 241 web sites found. A Study of the Book of John - 50% Bible study of the Book of John designed to help you better understand who Jesus Christ is and what His love for you means. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
Peggie's Place - 50% A fun 'n faith Christian home on the Web--many resources for kids, teens and the entire family. Music, devotions, Bible study, churches and more. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Back to the Bible - 50% Visit this international ministry giving practical counsel for applying God's Word to daily Christianity through media. URL: Category: Media > Radio
God is your best Friend - 50% Bible teachings based on the word, not religious doctrine, mainly by Andrew Wommack, with some commentary by me URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials - 50% This is the place for in-depth Bible study. Take our free Bible Knowledge survey and see how you do. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
The Bible Online - 50% Please find the full text of the King James Version, KJV Bible online and free for you to read. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
Bible Headquarters - 50% Comprehensive hard hitting site with many thought provoking pages, Bible studies, cults, tracts, and much more. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Biblenotes - 50% The entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is summarized with easy-to-read review notes and keypoints -- useful for everyone and a resource for Bible study. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
West-Ark Church of Christ - 50% Where Christians plead for a return to the religious practices and teachings of the New Testament. We have ~lots~ of Christian articles, sermons, and other Bible study aids. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
Open Door Outreach Ministries - 50% Open Door Outreach is a Full Gospel Bible-Based Church, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and also URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
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Displaying 51 to 60 of 241 web sites found. |