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Displaying 61 to 70 of 81 web sites found. Christian Answers Network - 50% Home page of one of the largest Christian Web sites - providing answers to your most important questions about life, faith, creation, worldviews, and more / Features movie reviews, Kids' Quest, games, etc. / Multilingual URL: http://www.ChristianAnswers.Net/ Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Grace Evangelical Church - 50% Reaching out to the lost and hurting of our community and world in the love of Christ, involving them in the Word, Worship and Service of God. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
WCICC Radio-The Bottom Line Radio Broadcast - 50% WCICC Radio is a ministry of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches; a fellowship of Churches, Pastors, Ministries, Christian schools, Bible Schools and Seminaries located in eighty countries. The WCICC provides a platform for Independent Pas URL: Category: Media > Radio
Power House Christian Youth Network - 50% Connecting youth from all over the world to God, and others like themselves. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Youth Ministries
Walking With The - 50% May God bless you all. Jesus is coming again soon. As the world is falling apart all around us. We must put our faith in Jesus. Focus your eyes on Jesus our strength in these last days. Listen to sermons online. http://www. walkingwiththelord. net URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
XTREME Electronics - 50% We are an Internet consulting company dedicated in training and helping churches, ministries, organizations, and businesses get a place on the web so that they can have an impact on the world. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Web Design Resources
Christ Gift to Life - 50% If you're seeking to improve your life with Christ, or looking for solutions to all of the destruction that are going on around the world, and lack knowledge how to put Him first in your life, you're not along. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
King's Prayer Network - 50% The KPN is an intercessory prayer network of congregations and prayer centres across the world who have agreed to pray for those prayer requests that we receive from people around the globe. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Prayer
Missions To The World - 50% Gary and Janet Priem have been missionaries to Kenya since 1994, ministering and teaching the Word of God to pastors, laypeople, youth, and street children cast off by society. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Missionary Ministries
North Shore Baptist Church of Lae County - 50% North Shore Baptist is a fundamental, independant Baptist church located one mile north of Great Lakes Naval Base. In partnership with World Ministries to the Armed Forces, we are called to reach the souls of the world's militaries and Lake County Il. , w URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
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Displaying 61 to 70 of 81 web sites found. |