Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Your partner in ministry. The Augsburg Fortress Online Store allows you to order online. Publishing House of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
National Assocation for Christian Recovery
The NACR is a membership organization that seeks to assist people recovering from life-dominating issues such as addiction and abuse. We also seek to equip the Christian community to become a.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Electronic Christian resources for teaching, worship and study. Download and use these resources today.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Origins/Leadership University
Origins examines the question.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
I have self published my first book "Extraordinary Men and Women of the Bible." - Ordinary men and women who became extraordinary for God in their generation provide examples for believers in our time.
URL: Date: Monday September 1, 2003
Through the Bible with Les Feldick
Les Feldick teaches a non-denominational "Through the Bible" program in such a way that the common person can understand it. He has had a nationwide TV ministry for 7 years and is soon to be.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Through The Bible Publishers
Publishers of elementary children's Bible curriculum for churches, Sunday schools, Christian schools, and home schools.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Sword Ministries
An Awsome & Mighty God Reigns- Sword Ministries International-Today, President Warren Hunter, is an internationally known speaker who conducts an average of over 500 meetings each year.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Sacred Geometry Stories of Jesus Christ in the New Testament
Many gospel stories used the ancient Greek literary and mathematical arts of gematria and Sacred Geometry to illustrate that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This web site shows how it was done.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999