Showing matches 21 to 30 of 151 different. | |
Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre
Capernwray Harbour Bible School is a unique learning environment. Students discover truth in the pages of the Bible and in community living. The curriculum covers approximately 75 percent of the Bible, focusing on knowing the person of Christ.
URL: Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Online Bible Study with Altogether Lovely Ministries
A unique online Bible School featuring lay courses from Sunday School teaching to online Bible study, international missionary preparation, international courses in Bible English, Pastoring courses and nonaccredited college level courses.
URL: Date: Friday December 30, 2005
A Light to Shine
Great resources for Bible Study, Devotions, Fun Links, Homework Helpers, Kids Page, Graphics and more.
URL: Date: Sunday October 23, 2005
Exceptional Kids Consultants
Wide range of services to families who homeschool a child having special needs. Let us support you in this very important ministry. Christian consultant will assist you in developing and managing an optimal program that meets all state requirements. ...
URL: Date: Sunday January 23, 2005
Garden of Praise
Free educational materials in the areas of reading, Bible, math, language arts, music, and art. Printable worksheets.
URL: Date: Sunday June 13, 2004
Saipan Community School
Saipan Community School web site with mission statement, pages for kids, school pages, calendar, and Saipan Community Church
URL: Date: Friday December 3, 1999
West Florida Theological Seminary
Offers qualified individuals Associate through Doctoral level Christian degrees based solely on life, work, and ministry experience. Email your resume today, including the degree program in which you are interested to see if you qualify.
URL: Date: Saturday May 10, 2003
New Life Christian Schools International
New Life Christian Schools International and New Life Christian Academy provide an education for those wanting to earn high school diploma through correspondence program and for elementary to high school students who home school as well as adults who e...
URL: Date: Wednesday November 1, 2006
Schools for Troubled Teens
Christian schools for troubled teens.
URL: Date: Wednesday May 21, 2003
Timesavers for Teachers
Printable, often-used forms, checklists, units, timesaving ideas, and other reproducible worksheets for busy classroom teachers.
URL: Date: Thursday May 29, 2003
Showing matches 21 to 30 of 151 different. | |
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