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Displaying 71 to 80 of 136 web sites found. jesusfreakz - 100% hi i'm jacques and this is my jesusfreakz midi page for praising the lord. come visit for the latest christian & gospel midis available. -site created for kidz by kidz- URL: Category: The Arts > Music - 100% Links are provided for radio, television, shortwave, and Internet broadcasts around the world as well as online and orderable resources to determine the best possible language match for a given geographical area. Allow God to work through you at home or a URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Missionary Ministries
Kingdom Remnant Project - 100% KRP's is committed to ensuring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and preach to all people using the performing and creative arts. Through drama classes for the youth, ages six through seventeen, they will learn more about Jesus Christ, how to live their lives an URL: Category: The Arts > Drama
Know Jesus - 100% The site's main objective is to draw many people to Christ and making disciples for Jesus. It also gives hope to the oppressed and those that are discouraged in life. May you be filled with God's power today. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
let us reason ministries - 100% Teachings practices and another Jesus of World Religions and the cults explained from a Christian perspective. False teachings inside the church. discipling, law, sabbath, New age movement etc. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Letters to My Sisters - 100% A collection of true stories of people meeting Jesus. It also has a free workshop tool and questionnaire, plus an option to receive the whole thing free in a zip file. URL: Category: Family/Individual > Womens' Ministries
Living Covenant Ministries International - 100% LCMI is about discipleship. We help people discover who they are created to be as individuals, married couples, & families. Jesus is the One who satisfies us and makes life complete. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Living Faith Christian Church - 100% As the body of Christ, at Living Faith Christian Church in Pearl, Mississippi, we are resolved to presenting the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. To prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach uni URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
Living The Life - 100% Christian group devoted to Bible study, and praising the Lord. Also helping boards, and living the life through Jesus Christ. URL: http:// Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
Living Waters Northland - KC, MO. USA - 100% The basic premise of Living Waters is that Jesus is committed to redeeming our humanity and enabling us to love. Relational, emotional and sexual problems are symptoms of woundedness and sin. URL: Category: Family/Individual > Counseling
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Displaying 71 to 80 of 136 web sites found. |