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Displaying 1 to 10 of 136 web sites found. 10 Commandments within Jesus - 100% The foundation of Jewish, and Christian law, which was given to Moses by God. Wallpaper downloads, quizzes, puzzles, audio, and graphics, etc. " URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
  1st Stop For Christian Clipart - 100% A wide variety of Christian free clip art featuring pictures of Jesus pictures, Bible characters, and other free religious clip art. Includes Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving holiday clipart. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Clip Art
  1st Stop For Free Christian Wallpaper - 100% Christian wallpaper with Bible verses, featuring pictures of Jesus, animals, birds, flowers, nature, scenic, space, winter, more. Organized by category. Also includes Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas wallpaper. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Clip Art - 100% Networking to unite with all Christian groups to defend the Trinity and create unity to bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hi there, What a great directory Christiansunite. It is my goal to unite all Christians in the common belief that the URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Missionary Ministries
A Bear Thread - 100% A bear thread is my personal website for sharing my love for quilting and my personal witness for Jesus Christ. I am blessed beyond measure to be able to share a few threads with others who are believers and those who are seeking a joy that I have been f URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
A love for you You have never known love like this - 100% Jesus lives, Jesus saves, Jesus reigns, and Jesus is returning soon. If you've ever wondered who Jesus is, what must I do to be saved, what will happen when I die, then this is the site for you—simple answers to life’s most difficult questions. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
A Study of the Book of John - 100% Bible study of the Book of John designed to help you better understand who Jesus Christ is and what His love for you means. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
Abide in Christ Bible Studies Sermons Daily Devotions - 100% Free full length sermons, Bible studies, messages, daily devotions resources for Christians desiring mature, intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ includes links. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
Anxious for Nothing...a blogsite by Curt Awakening - 100% Curt Awakening's Anxious for Nothing blogsite, an intinerant websurfer, on the journey to the mission field for Christ Jesus. URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
 Australian Christian Channel - 100% Provides Christian news, information on Jesus Christ including an online Bible. Tune into Channel 30 on Optus for the best Christian Television in Australia. URL: Category: Media > Television
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Displaying 1 to 10 of 136 web sites found. |