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Displaying 41 to 50 of 315 web sites found. Child Bible Lessons - 90% Collection of free lessons that will teach children how to pray God's promises. Topics such as fruit of the spirit, faith, fear, gaining favor with God, spiritual growth & supernatural protection. Also recommendations on Sunday school curriculum. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Sunday School Resources
EBible Class Teacher - 90% Resources for teachers that use the computer in the Bible Class or Sunday School. An electronic magazine with software reviews, free graphics, electronic literature, video projector & PC/TV converter info, tips, tricks, games. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Sunday School Resources
Abide In The True Light - 50% A Christian blog believing in the fundamentals of The Holy Word found in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. Inspirational poems, prophetic scriptures, Christian encouragement, and more. URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
Adam's Web - 50% A home page providing fresh Christian content, freeware links, veteran's links, a tribute to my sister, clean humor, and a testimony on living with Anxiety and BPD. URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
Homespun Hearts - 50% Christian website by a Bible-believing, homeschooling mom. We offer handmade baby quilts, crocheted dishcloths, nylon pot scrubbers, doilies and braided rugs. My Homespun Hearts Journal features categories such as Alaska, Homeschool, Poetry, Scriptures, P URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
Little Brook Ministries - 50% The teaching ministry of Paul Brooks Horn 3 which seeks to proclaim the Gospel to any and all who will hear, teach God's Word in accordance with the truth, inspire the hearts and minds of God's children to Godly active lives, and promote Bible study. URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
Fishing Creek Baptist Church - 50% Come celebrate with us as we lay down our nets to follow Jesus. We are New King James Version Bible lead, and our teachings are true to the Word, and to the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention. Located in beautiful, historic Warrenton, North Car URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
Atlantis Station - 50% Pre-Trib Prophecy, Christian Music Artists, Biblical Images, Biblical Education, Science / Technology Links, Christian / Prophecy Links, Iraq, World Events and Armageddon (245+ links alone!), Why Study Bible Prophecy?, Fun Links, Apologetic Links URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Logicality of Jesus Christ - 50% A simple logical reasoning beginning with the existence of the Universe inevitably leads to and meshes perfectly with the deeper truths contained in the Bible; more importantly to the amazing confirmation that Jesus Christ is indeed Lord God of all creati URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Does God Exist? - 50% Program provides thinking, seeking people with scientific evidence that God does exist and that the Bible is His Word. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
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Displaying 41 to 50 of 315 web sites found. |