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Displaying 381 to 390 of 405 web sites found. Basic Christian Books - 33% Serving the globe with basic Christian book lists on world religions, is Jesus God, tough times, current issues, Bible study, Bible prophecy, and pamphlet references. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
My Journey to God - 66% This blog is about my journey with God. It includes part of my life story as a Christian seeking true purpose & destiny. I will give brief biblical notes on things I am currently researching in the scriptures. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
OurChurch.Com Internet Advertising Services - 33% Internet marketing information and services from a Christian Internet advertising company. URL: Category: Business Services > Advertising/Promotion
Glory To Christ Ministry, The - 90% Free online Bible sermons & studies in audio & text for Christians. Glorifying Christ through the preaching of revival, consecration and the power of God to the end-time church of Christ. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
God's Woman Ministry - 66% The purpose of this ministry is to provide a gathering place to prepare a spiritual and natural "feast" for all women on every level of their being so they can "eat" and be "filled" with the life changing experience of knowing GOD as their personal Saviou URL: Category: Family/Individual > Womens' Ministries
Living Word Christian Centre - 66% Living Word is a family of people seeking God's best for our lives. Our desire is to see the needs of others met - whether it is spiritual, physical, emotional or financial. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
  Little Lambs Ministry - 66% Sharing the Word of God with children through Bible stories, coloring pages, Bible puzzles, Bible crafts, Sunday School songs and inspirational stories about children. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Sunday School Resources
Life Savers Incorporated - 33% This is our church website which gives general information regarding our church ministry which is geared towards bringing the Youth unto Christ. URL: Category: Family/Individual > Kids' Ministries - 66% The mission of is to provide God-honoring, Biblically-based, and theologically-sound Christian search engine results in a highly accurate and well-organized format. URL: Category: Search > Search Engines
Spiritual Foundations - 33% Free on line Bible studies for Galatians, Matthew and Christian basics like Jesus, born again, prayer, baptism, atonement, tithing, communion, church, redemption, praise, mercy, etc. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
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Displaying 381 to 390 of 405 web sites found. |