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Displaying 401 to 405 of 405 web sites found. Where Is God? - 33% Helps people living with chronic illness and pain find God's strength amidst suffering. Moreover, it shows loved ones what incredible faith their friend or family member has despite their circumstances. URL: Category: Family/Individual > Counseling
Who is God? - 33% is a gospel tract in over 50 languages for evangelism to muslims, hindus and sikhs for Jesus Christ. URL: http://GODWHOISGOD.COM Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
Woodvale Christian Resources - 33% Woodvale Pentecostal Church provides a web page featuring prayer requests, Christian hot topics and links, Bible study materials, a 1 year Bible reading program, Christian chat room. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Prayer
XTREME Electronics - 33% We are an Internet consulting company dedicated in training and helping churches, ministries, organizations, and businesses get a place on the web so that they can have an impact on the world. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Web Design Resources
Youth and College Ministry - 33% This is a place for College and Teens to come and be real with each other and God. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Youth Ministries
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