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Displaying 1 to 10 of 81 web sites found. Basic Christian Books - 100% Serving the globe with basic Christian book lists on world religions, is Jesus God, tough times, current issues, Bible study, Bible prophecy, and pamphlet references. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
let us reason ministries - 100% Teachings practices and another Jesus of World Religions and the cults explained from a Christian perspective. False teachings inside the church. discipling, law, sabbath, New age movement etc. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
9fruit - 50% At 9fruit, we’re all about being socially responsible, and all for blessing those in need, working hand in hand with like-minded individuals and organisations to make the world a better place, one step at a time. Greeting cards, journals and homeware th URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Amazing Grace Christian Church - Tacoma, Wa - 50% Amazing Grace is a conservative, Bible based independent Christian fellowship located in the north Tacoma area. You will find a relaxed atmosphere at Amazing Grace. The teaching comes straight from the Bible yet is grounded in today's world. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
Amazing Grace Mission - 50% Soul winning ministry in the market places of America and around the world. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
APOLOGETICA - 50% APOLOGETICA is a Christian apologetics blog/website which contains articles, book reviews, news commentary, and research on different religions and religious issues; written in defence of the historical Christian faith. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Assist International - 50% Assist International is a missions organization with emphasis in development in Agriculture, Health and Education in the poorest nations of the world. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
Atlantis Station - 50% Pre-Trib Prophecy, Christian Music Artists, Biblical Images, Biblical Education, Science / Technology Links, Christian / Prophecy Links, Iraq, World Events and Armageddon (245+ links alone!), Why Study Bible Prophecy?, Fun Links, Apologetic Links URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
Belhaven College - Jackson, Mississippi - 50% Our vision is to prepare men and women academically and spiritually to serve Christ Jesus in their careers, in human relationships, and in the world of ideas. URL: Category: Education > Colleges/Universities
Bibles for the World - 50% We are dedicated to getting the Bible, God's Word, into the hands of as many people as possible and thereby seeing changed lives for eternity. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Evangelism
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Displaying 1 to 10 of 81 web sites found. |