Woodvale Christian Resources
Woodvale Pentecostal Church provides a web page featuring prayer requests, Christian hot topics and links, Bible study materials, a 1 year Bible reading program, Christian chat room.
URL: http://www.woodvale.on.ca/
Date: Thursday September 2, 1999PrayerNeeds Network
PrayerNeeds.Net offers Christians an online meeting place where we can pray for one another. You can choose to pray for someone, or be prayed for, in many areas of prayer needs.
URL: http://www.prayerneeds.net
Date: Sunday November 21, 1999
Prayeraphrases - Priceless Legacies of Prayer
Prayers & paraphrased prayers of Charles Spurgeon, Scripture & others.
URL: http://www.prayeraphrases.org
Date: Monday May 26, 2003
Our Daily Blessings 2
Christian inspiration, sermon, support, fellowship forum, prayer, Bible study & teaching.
URL: http://www.ourdailyblessings2.org
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2003
Christians Harvesting End-time Souls Ministries
We are an internet outreach ministry dedicated to prayer, prayer requests, fellowship and the sharing of God's word. Jesus is Lord.
URL: http://www.ChristiansHarvestingEndtimeSouls.org
Date: Tuesday February 17, 2004
Healing Scripture Prayer Chain
Healing prayer chain and resources for the sick and those who care for them.
URL: http://www.healingscripture.com
Date: Thursday September 16, 2004
Pro-Life With Christ
Pro-Life news blog to fuel prayer for an end to selective abortion.
URL: http://pro.lifewithchrist.org
Date: Saturday October 30, 2004
White Dove Ministries
Bible-base church, Bible believing, holy trinity, salvation, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, white dove, ministries, web-site, partnership, prayer request, prayer, love, faith, God, sins, Bible search, pastor, guestbook, help, marriage.
URL: http://www.whitedovemin.org
Date: Sunday February 27, 2005
God Still Cares
GodStillCares.org. A place you can come to for prayer and a ministry update of outreaches to our community. Bear Creek/Katy/Houston Texas.
URL: http://GodStillCares.Org
Date: Wednesday May 10, 2006
Charisma Life Church - Prayer Ministry Blog
Charisma Life Church as a church value the importance of prayer in our lives. It is the connecting link of communication that we have to our Heavenly Father. It is our hope that through this blog, we will be able to reach out and shed some light to the...
URL: http://prayer.charisma-life.org
Date: Monday April 30, 2007