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Displaying 241 to 247 of 247 web sites found. White Dove Ministries - 50% Bible-base church, Bible believing, holy trinity, salvation, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, white dove, ministries, web-site, partnership, prayer request, prayer, love, faith, God, sins, Bible search, pastor, guestbook, help, marriage. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Prayer
Whosoever Will - 50% This site is devoted to glorifying the Lord through Bible studies, great old hymns, Christian graphics and other pages. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
Wisdom of the Bible - 50% An exploration of the Bible's major wisdom teachings as they relate to everyday life. Topics include Family Life, Generosity, Government, Wealth, Humility, and Bible Translations. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
Woodvale Christian Resources - 50% Woodvale Pentecostal Church provides a web page featuring prayer requests, Christian hot topics and links, Bible study materials, a 1 year Bible reading program, Christian chat room. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Prayer
WORD4LIFE - 50% Christian portal offering content on Jesus Christ, prophecy, salvation, testimonies, and prayer needs. Links to Christian books, Bibles, radio, and online sermons. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Y2K The Millenium Bug - 50% Will Y2K bring with it the events spoken of in the Bible? How will it end? Will the Millenium Bug bring about a quick Armageddon? URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Year 2000 Problem
Yeshuawater - 50% Bible truth, news, info, freebies, resource materials and more. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
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Displaying 241 to 247 of 247 web sites found. |