Hope for Today with Clint Decker
Speaker and columnist Clint Decker points to hope in Jesus while discussing the events of our day. Since 1991, he has reached nearly two million poeple with his message. Go to greatawakenings.org to learn more.
URL: http://hopefortodaywithclintdecker.blogspot.com
Date: Tuesday July 3, 2012My Savior Story
My Savior Story is a new worship project based off of testimony of how our Savior Jesus Christ has changed your life. Where ever you are in life, so is God. Where ever you’ve been, Gods been there to. And wherever you’re going, so is he. These life...
URL: http://www.mysaviorstory.org
Date: Friday September 21, 2012
At The Father's Feet
Worshipping God through music, art, videos, links, and writing archives of At The Father's Feet Ministry, and sharing the secret to true revival through my book.
URL: http://www.roarnworship.com
Date: Wednesday September 26, 2012
Freedom in the Word Ministries
Meeting at the Wheat Ridge Active Adult Center 6363 W. 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO - every saturday night.
URL: http://www.freedominthewordministries.com
Date: Monday December 3, 2012
Heavenly Manna Ministries
Life-changing, eye-opening and inspiring Christian articles and Bible studies provide biblical answers for difficult questions about life and God. Visitors can participate in lively discussions through the feedback thread, and read inspirational true C...
URL: http://www.heavenlymanna.net
Date: Friday May 23, 2014