Without Excuse
Writings/Devotionals meant to encourage the Believer in their walk with Jesus.
URL: http://mwakefield.blogspot.com/
Date: Saturday October 17, 2009A Deceptive Truth
Seeking the guidance in scriptural truth about Faith, Prophesy, Church History & Archaeology, The origins of Modern Day Christianity, Fellowship, Encouragement, & News Headlines As it relates to scripture.
URL: http://deceptive-truth.blogspot.com
Date: Monday December 21, 2009
International Church of Berne
We are an English-speaking church located in the centre of Berne. Our aim is to grow in all aspects of our Christianity. Join us in worship, fellowship, reading the Bible, and prayer. God bless you.
URL: http://www.theicb.ch
Date: Saturday January 16, 2010
Understanding God and God's will is Wellness
To Know God is Wisdom. Growing in knowledge of God causes you to prosper + be in health. This site is for your encouragement and learning. God wants - wholeness in body soul + spirit. Nothing missing nothing broken–Wellness, results of the cross.
URL: http://www.godswill-wellness.com
Date: Tuesday June 29, 2010
"and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. " /Matthew 16:15-18 - NKJV/
URL: http://www.churchtoday.co.uk
Date: Thursday March 24, 2011
Holiness and Perfection
Biblical Holiness and Perfection. The Bible calls us to be holy and Jesus said that we should be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. On this website you can find out how.
URL: http://www.holinessandperfection.org
Date: Thursday March 31, 2011
Christianity Oasis
This Popular Christian Ministry has amazing free Christian entertainment, free counseling, Bible studies, discipleship programs, chat rooms, message boards, end times and more for Christian Families, Christian Singles and those who are seeking God.
URL: http://www.christianityoasis.com
Date: Saturday April 30, 2011
Think on This
Short and simple life experiences to give insight to your Spiritual walk.
URL: http://batia-take10.blogspot.com/
Date: Sunday December 4, 2011
A True Faith
A True Faith is an effort to inspire, teach, and learn what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. To spread the gospel and to counter the error of lukewarm believers, carnal Christianity, and the plague of lacking discipleship within the Church.
URL: http://churchianityorthecross.weebly.com
Date: Wednesday January 4, 2012
Lahyorz in Christ
A weekly blog to encourage our walk in Christ. Applying biblical principles to our sitautions in order to live balanced and prosperous lives.
URL: http://lahyorzinchrist.blogspot.com
Date: Sunday January 15, 2012