Holy is the Lamb
Provides encouragement through e-prayer cards, daily verse, inspirational flash movies, testimonies, prayer and praise, and reaching those who do not know the love of Christ.
URL: http://www.holyisthelamb.com
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008Hour Eleven
Non-denominational ministry covering topics on Christian living, music, art, faith, prayer, and spirituality.
URL: http://www.houreleven.org
Date: Thursday July 22, 2004
Making use of all that's given to strengthen and encourage believers, reaching the lost, to shine the light, share the love, strengthen the faith, and rejoice in the life which is in Jesus Christ
URL: http://avatars.imvu.com/JesusLives
Date: Sunday May 10, 2009
Indonesia Blog
Christian site in English. You can find articles, papers and stories, based on contemporary theology and all is based on Bible. Visit this site and you will find God's messages for you.
URL: http://indochrist.blogspot.com
Date: Thursday June 7, 2007
International Church of Berne
We are an English-speaking church located in the centre of Berne. Our aim is to grow in all aspects of our Christianity. Join us in worship, fellowship, reading the Bible, and prayer. God bless you.
URL: http://www.theicb.ch
Date: Saturday January 16, 2010
Jesus Is The Answer
Celebrate Recovery Info plus a place to find the Grace of God thru our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesusisans.org gives you a chance to add or find the resources that will help you and help others.
URL: http://www.jesusisans.org
Date: Monday March 20, 2006
Just A Closer Walk
The aim of this blog is simply to inspire and encourage others in a closer walk with God. Christian videos also included as well as the written word.
URL: http://closerwalk.wordpress.com
Date: Sunday November 18, 2007
Know Love Now
A nonprofit faith based organization dedicated to programs that reach out to the community and proclaim God's Love. Our goal is to positively impact peoples' lives spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and socially, using a variety of events and med...
URL: http://www.KnowLoveNow.org
Date: Tuesday April 15, 2003
Lahyorz in Christ
A weekly blog to encourage our walk in Christ. Applying biblical principles to our sitautions in order to live balanced and prosperous lives.
URL: http://lahyorzinchrist.blogspot.com
Date: Sunday January 15, 2012
Living Covenant Ministries International
LCMI is about discipleship. We help people discover who they are created to be as individuals, married couples, & families. Jesus is the One who satisfies us and makes life complete.
URL: http://www.livingcovenant.com
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2003